Some initial thoughts on blogging

I've been a fairly inconsistent blogger since around 2008.

It all started with a Wordpress blog to share inside jokes with some friends in high school, and evolved into a personal blog to share my university life with my family overseas. Then, it was about keeping a personal diary online (I think I'm secretly addicted to anonymous attention. Physical and local diaries have never worked for me in this regard; I was the sole writer and reader, and I quickly lost steam). I had early access to Medium before it officially launched, with which I did absolutely nothing because when it actually came down to providing insight or "value" in my writing, I realized that I actually didn't have much to say that hadn't already been said more elegantly or concisely elsewhere.

But I was bored during self isolation, and playing around with the JAMstack led to the creation of this blog. Given that I'll be using GitHub and Netlify to automate deployment, I might not be inclined to write super personal content as it will live on my GitHub.. so maybe I'll just use this as a development blog.

We'll see how it goes.